Time to smell the roses

Time to smell the roses

Stress leading to burnout has become a major problem in our society, costing us millions of dollars a year and having a major impact on our health.

So how can we deal with stress more effectively to improve our health and avoid burnout?

Many of you, like myself, will be receiving more mail than you can reasonably deal with.  So why should I add to your stress levels by inflicting another newsletter on you? read more

Parents – How To Be More Effective In Helping Your Children

You can reduce the stress you have as a parent when your children are having difficulties . This will also make you  more effective in helping them.

Parents who come to see me with concerns about their children sometimes feel guilty, confused or inadequate. These feelings can sometimes be reinforced by conflicting expert opinions and advice. read more

What Is Massage? Is It Just A Rub?

Massage is a dialogue, a communication through the medium of touch. It is more than just a rub.

Touch is a form of communication and the essence and potential of massage is diminished when it is perceived as no more than a mechanical process.

Another popular misconception is that massage is something that the therapist does to the client. When massaging, my hands are both giving and receiving touch. read more


“The snow goose need not bathe to make itself white. Neither need you do anything but be yourself” Lao Tsu

Sometimes adults impose their opinions and desires on children without really listening to them. They usually do this with the best of intentions, in the sincere belief that this is best for their children. read more

What’s Different?

Welcome to Core Development.

Core Development is a unique method of dealing with stress by turning stressful situations into constructive rather than disruptive tools.

Rather than trying to eliminate the symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, therefore, or labelling them as illnesses, they are recognised as signposts to a richer and more fulfilling life. read more

Ecology Begins In You

Ecology is about relationships – our relationship with the environment, which includes other people as well as animals, plants, the air we breathe etc – and our relationship with ourselves, which is something we often forget or take for granted.

If it is so obvious that we cannot alter the environment without affecting ourselves, and that we are not only in intimate contact with the environment but that we are part of the environment, how come some individuals, politicians and industrialists continue to damage the environment – and therefore themselves? read more

Parents and Educators- How To Deal Effectively With Stress

One thing that parents and most people who work with children have in common is that you put your children first. Whilst this, of course, is natural and praiseworthy, it is also important to remember that the better shape you’re in, the more effective you are in helping your children.

This can be one of the most difficult things to do. Remember the aircraft cabin crew’s instructions before take-off, when they demonstrate the safety equipment? That if the air pressure drops you put on YOUR oxygen mask first, then help your children put on theirs? Whilst this goes against your instincts, you cannot be of much help to your children if you stop breathing!! read more