Partner body language

Exploring Relationships

Individual Sessions, Couples Sessions, Talks and Workshops with Donald Marmara

Core Development offers:

  • Individual Counselling and Psychotherapy( face-to-face, zoom and phone)
  • Somatic Psychotherapy
  • Counselling and Psychotherapy for Parents and Teenagers(together and separately)
  • Couples Counselling and Psychotherapy
  • Talks and workshops for groups and organisations

The artist Chuck Close once said:  “You can give the same recipe to 10 cooks. Some make it come alive, and some make a flat soufflé. A system doesn’t guarantee anything.”

The same applies to relationships. Hundreds of books tell you what to do and not do to make your relationships work. Numerous workshops claim to give you the “secrets” to success.

If there’s so much information available, why do we have such high rates of unsuccessful relationships and emotional distress?

It’s not that simple. Relationships cannot be reduced to a set of instructions or formulae. Each person is unique and every relationship is unique, and although there are some underlying principles in common, the way these principles apply and their inter-relationship is different in every case.

In these sessions you will make your own discoveries. You will have the opportunity of experimenting in a safe, supportive, playful and respectful environment. Donald will be available to guide, facilitate and support you in this process.

Call +61 412 178 234 to arrange an individual session, couples session or a talk or workshop for your group or organisation.

About Donald Marmara

Donald’s 40 years’ of international experience has seen him run seminars for health centres, organisations and training institutions throughout the UK, Europe and Australia.

Donald is the creator of Core Development. He trained for several years with leading pioneers in Somatic (Body) Psychotherapy and other modalities, and in The Fundamentals of Structural Consulting in Europe and America.

Donald also worked for 15 years with Primary School Children in After School Care Centres, and for 5 years mentoring High School Students.

Donald has a particular interest in experiential learning and currently maintains a private practice in Sydney. He is available for individual sessions, couples sessions, sessions for parents and teenagers(together and separately) and talks and workshops.

Core Development is a learning process. It offers you the opportunity of exploring all aspects of yourself – body, mind, feelings, relationships, work, assumptions and decisions about life – in a safe and supportive environment.

It encourages you and guides you to translate what you learn into everyday life so you can make your life more fulfilling and enhance the world we live in.

Call +61 412 178 234 to arrange an individual session, couples session or a talk or workshop for your group or organisation.