Results or Solutions?
When I tell people that Core Development is results- focused, they often remark, “ that ’s solution-focused, right? No.
Whilst solution- focused behaviour is driven by a problem, or by the need to solve or eliminate a problem, results- focused actions are driven by the desire to create a certain result .
Solution- focused behaviour is problem solving. Results- focused is a creative act that does not require a problem to drive it.
The motivational dynamics are different , and one of the aims of Core Development is to enable people to make the transition from a problem-solving orientation, which is the prevalent attitude in our culture, to a creative, results- focused orientation.
In the latter, our major drivers are the results that we want to create, rather than the problems that we want to solve or eliminate. It involves a shift in our life orientation, in our way of perceiving.
I am indebted to my teacher Robert Fritz, author of ‘The Path of Least Resistance’, for helping me understand this distinction.
The Difference Between Knowing And Doing
The Managing Director of Human Synergistics, Shaun McCarthy, is quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald (7.12.02) as saying, “When you ask someone to tell you what good leadership is they can tell you that .
But there is a big difference between knowing it and doing it ? Why? Because knowing is merely intellectual, and most of our education gives us information that we are unable to put into practice because we have not embodied it . It’s like learning to ride a bicycle by reading a book. Until we embody the principles of riding a bike, all the intellectual understanding does not help us.
The processes of Core Development are fundamentally different from intellectual learning processes. Core Development helps you embody what you learn, so that you can use that knowledge effectively in your life and work.
Psychological studies show that 60% to 90% of our learning takes place through body language and voice tone. How much attention is paid to this in our educational system – including professional and business studies?
No wonder the study conducted by Human Synergistics involving 35,000 managers in Australia and New Zealand found that “ the overwhelming style of management ident ified was avoidance, characterised by a fear of failure? and the least common style was “ the one credited with the best results, a constructive manner…?
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Donald Marmara created Core Development , a learning process which acknowledges the unity and inter-relationships of mind, body, emotions and spirit.
It draws on the principles and understanding of somatic psychotherapy, structural dynamics, and Donald’s own personal therapy, professional training and life experience.
Core development adopts a flexible approach, recognising that what works for one person may not work for another.
Donald currently resides and practices in Sydney, and is available for individual sessions, couples sessions, counselling teenagers and parents, and facilitating training programs and workshops. He is also available for Zoom and phone sessions worldwide.
He can be contacted on 0412 178 234.