The Wisdom Of Not Knowing

How Can Not Knowing Improve The Quality Of My Life?

This workshop is available on demand to organisations, schools,and groups of 8 or more people.

The Wisdom Of Not Knowing

an experiential, playful, and interactive workshop

with Donald Marmara

You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.”  (Plato)

Enhance your life skills by learning to let go of all theories, knowledge and expectations so you can put yourself in other people’s shoes and perceive what’s happening through the eyes and ears of others.

Not knowing” is not the same as ignorance.

Whilst knowledge and understanding is of course essential, it can sometimes interfere with our ability to perceive accurately and objectively.

In this workshop we will explore how we can develop – or recover – the ability to set aside our knowledge so we can perceive innocently, through the eyes of a child.

As the Zen Master who said to his student that he can only learn from him when he has “emptied his cup”, we will discover what happens when we are willing to observe without interpreting.

This will reveal our bias and enable us to apply our knowledge more effectively.

About our Presenter, Donald Marmara:

Donald Marmara’s 35 years’ international experience has seen him run seminars for health centres, organisations and training institutions throughout the UK, Europe and Australia.

As well as training for several years with leading pioneers of Somatic (Body) Psychotherapy & Human Potential Development in Europe & America, Donald served an 8-year apprenticeship with a Native American Medicine Man.

Donald has a particular interest in experiential learning and integrating mind, body, emotions and spirit. He currently maintains a private practice in therapy and personal development in Sydney.

Donald also works with children and loves applying what he learns from children to enrich the lives and work of adults and organisations.

02 9413 9794 or 0412 178 234